Friday 28 March 2014

1st Draft Digipak

This is my first draft of my Digipak, included here is the back and front cover as well as photos of the locations I filmed in for my extra panel. I feel the front and back covers work very well together; first of all they both show that time is passing through the different locations and clothing my actor is in and is wearing. One issue I have is the extra panel, I feel that it is not striking enough or fits in well with both the other pieces I have developed so far. I think I need to take some  other images to use or take an image I can use that fills the space so it doesn't have lots of white space and look like it isn't made well at all.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Changes to music video actor

Due to unfortunate circumstances with my actor I have decided to change my actor in my music video and auxiliary products.

This is my new actor I am using. I feel that this actor fits the role of someone who would listen to the indie genre through his clothing style and the way he looks. I am going to re-shoot old footage this week and re-edit my music video to replace shots with my old actor and add the same shots but with my new actor and i will also be using a new promotional image for my magazine advert as well, I am considering using a similar shot i used with my last actor but I want to try another shot to see if it has the same impact.

Friday 14 March 2014

Digipak Planning

This is my digipak rough sketch plans, I have planned each of the panels to be differently but to blend well with the other pieces of my  promotional package. For the colour scheme i want to stick to black and white as i have done for my advert.

I want to stick to using the same font "Indie Komiks Sketch" as it is the font i used for my music magazine advert so I want to keep a brand/house style throughout my promotional package. As this is a brand i want everything to flow and link together so everything will relate and show that it relates through the images i use for my digipak.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Magazine Advert Feedback

I received feedback for my advert through using social media such as Facebook and Twitter, I asked people who were part of the target audience and that listened to the genre of music that this advert would appeal to.

The comments I mainly received about the advert is that it wasn't striking enough or appealed much to the audience of the genre with the lead image I had chosen, to improve this I will go back and decide on a new image as well as considering making the entire image the advert instead of making the image a small size.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Second Edit Of Music Magazine Advert

I feel that this Advert is much stronger than my previous edit. Due to the feedback I was giving I changed the background colour to black, in doing so I feel that it has made the promotional image stand out much stronger than it did before. Having the font in white has also made this advert stand out more, i have changed the font to "Indie Komiks Sketch" as it appeals more to my target audience and has the feel of the indie genre in the styling of it.

Comparing both adverts next to each other it is clear to me that the black background has strongly helped boost how appealing the advert and made the image come out more strongly.

First Edit Of Music Magazine Advert

This is the first edit of my advert, I think that the promotional image I have used really stands out and sticks to codes and conventions of the indie genre as does the font however after the feedback I was giving the white background doesn't really work with this promotional image. For my second Edit i want to try a different font and colour the background to black and have the font in white.

Magainze Advert Planning

For my magazine advert i want it to fit with the house style of the music video and digipak as well as fitting into the codes and conventions of the indie genre.

For the promotional image on the advert i want to use this image i had taken during my filming, this is because it links back and references the music video itself as well as fitting into the conventions of the indie genre by having someone looking out over something such as landscape or cityscapes as i have done here looking as if they are thinking about something.

I want the font style also to stick to the conventions making the font appear that it is hand written by someone making it feel more personal and have more meaning to it. For the colour scheme of the advert i am undecided on having black font with white background or white font with black background. To decide i will create both and get feedback on which one works better.