Thursday 3 April 2014

Final Digipak

Panel 1

                                                Panel 2                                         Panel 3

Panel 4

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Feedback and changes to digipak

I received some feedback about my digipak through social media asking questions if my auxiliary product fitted with the genre. The target audience said it did not and said to rethink some of my ideas surrounding if I wanted to create a 4 panel or a 6 panel digipak and what images I should use.

Final Music Magazine Advert

This is my final music magazine advert, I think using the actor I used for my music video works well as first of all it ties the advert and video together giving it a brand feel and it works also the use of the entire image being the advert works a lot better than my previous designs, with this design I feel it is more striking and appealing towards the target audience as the actor looks like he can relate with the listeners of the genre of music I have chosen for my music video.