Thursday 13 June 2013

Music Video Analysis: Mallory Knox - Beggars

This music video was released on march 12th 2013. The track is entitled 'Beggars' and is performed by the British band Mallory Knox.

A feature i like about this music video is the opening shot of the band in a medium close up in slow mo which is an intertextual reference to Stanley Kubrick's film 'Clockwork Orange.'

Clockwork Orange

  The music video references this scene from 'Clockwork Orange' however has 5 people insted of 4. This suggests the band is symbolising the group of youths from the film.


After this shot we then have close ups of each of the band members establishing who is who in the band.
The close ups mainly focus on the lead singer of the band which ties into Goodwin's conventions, by demand they use loads of close ups of the lead member of the band.

Throughout the music video it cuts between the band members and the homeless man which foreshadows an event will occur between the two. The use of referencing 'Clockwork Orange' through the band being dressed as the gang of youths it foreshadows that they are the villains to society.

By referencing to 'Clockwork Orange' the video uses one of Goodwin's codes and conventions of music videos, it uses intertextual reference to a film.

I like the use of the non ambient lighting when the video cuts to shots of the band under a bridge and the lead vocals singing the chorus.

the shot cut to the homeless man being abused by youths and then we cut to the band in which the youths run away. This could suggest that in this music video that the youth of today is an issue on society not the youth of the past.

the shot then cuts to the homeless man looking up at the band, this is giving as a P.O.V shot in a low angle which suggest they have more power in this shot.

I like lyrics of the song and how they tie in with the shots such as when they walk towards the homeless man. The lyrics are 'coming to get you.' This is saying that they are here to help someone in need.

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