Tuesday 22 October 2013

Plan B Music Advert Analysis

The use of monochrome indicates a classical nature towards the style of music and appearance this artist wants to indicate. The formal wear could indicate the target audience for the artist as being middle/upper class.

The red connotes to mean passion which could be an indication to the style of music this artist falls under, links well with the microphone prop indicating his music is along the lines of the soul genre.

Ratings and reviews encourage and attract potential customers of the album.

The use of monochrome indicates a classical nature towards the style of music and appearance this artist wants to indicate. The formal wear could indicate the target audience for the artist as being middle/upper class.

Classical microphone often linked to soul music. Links well with the monochrome and clearly indicates this artist is of a mature taste.

Green Day Album Advert Analysis

The advert itself is very conventional to music and music magazines. They have used the colour scheme of black, red and white, this also goes with the cover of the album which is shown in the advert.

The layout looks like it was set on a A4 page with a landscape image of the lead singer for the single as well as the actual album. They have separated everything on the left column with the use of horizontal white lines so the target audience can distinguish the difference and this also stands out from the black background.

The colour scheme used in this advert reflects rock bands, they have done this with the conventional colour scheme. The main reason for this is because it’s eye catching and appealing to the target audience. The age range for this genre could be between 16-30 as green day have released music for about 20 years.

The main image is the feature of the advert. This has been due to the use of the white writing over the image as it stands out over the darkness of the image as the lead singer is mainly wearing black.

The font that is mainly used is a sans serif font for the information, important information is in red and the rest is in white.

The Writing on the image is all in white to stand out and stick to the colour scheme. The band name is in a sans serif font slightly distressed which goes with the rock image of the band.

Friday 4 October 2013

Youth Subculture/Target Audience

The indie subculture is a widespread conspiracy by major record labels to give groups the appearance of the starving underground artist, tricking you into sympathizing with them and thus tricking you out of your money.  

A key characteristic of clothing trends within the modern indie culture is focus on uniqueness and individuality, which is often achieved by appealing to fashion trends associated with music from the 1970s (rock, punk and country) and the 1980s (New Wave). Common clothing items include band T-shirts, vintage clothing, striped tops, blazers, distressed jeans, waistcoats, ties, cardigans, scarves and aviators. Some of the most popular footwear choices include Converse or other plimsolls, slip-on shoes of all manners, and various styles of dress shoes.

Definition Of A Music Video

A music Video is a short film accompanied by a popular song released by an artist, the length of the video typically is the same length as the track that accompanies it. There are 3 different types of music videos:

Narrative -The video is narrative based, telling a story through the visuals as well as through the lyrics of the track. These being acted out in a certain combine with the lyrics can be a great match if done correctly.

Performance - A performance video mainly shows footage of the artist/band during a live performance as a staged performance or at a concert. Normally the band or artist needs to be well established to pull off this form of video however many bands with a low budget do this type of video.

Concept - Concept videos are based around a single idea or a concept. These ideas are normally obscure or very surreal with the lyrics having to be in correlation to the visuals created.

 Musics video can mix two types together in one video such as a performance video can include concept conventions or narrative conventions etc.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Digipak Analysis: Gorlliaz - Demon Days

Gorlliaz are an alternative band that have released a wide range of songs that fall into many different genres such as rap and dance. The variety of colour used in the band members reinforces the wide areas of genres they delve in through their music. This makes the band not really stick to typical conventions.

This digipak suits the band because it shows all the band members on it and on the inside panels they are all pulling amusing faces which suits their style and the characters perfectly. The facial expressions each of the band memeber is pulling gives them all a form of character which is a key focus when trying to sell an album.

The design is also simple and clean which ties into the songs they created, the background on this digipak is a clean white, this helps the bands members stand out very strongly. The track listings are clean and easy to read which is a common convention in a digipak, the simplicity in the design of the digipak runs throughout through the black and white used which again is a convention seen in digipaks.