Friday 4 October 2013

Definition Of A Music Video

A music Video is a short film accompanied by a popular song released by an artist, the length of the video typically is the same length as the track that accompanies it. There are 3 different types of music videos:

Narrative -The video is narrative based, telling a story through the visuals as well as through the lyrics of the track. These being acted out in a certain combine with the lyrics can be a great match if done correctly.

Performance - A performance video mainly shows footage of the artist/band during a live performance as a staged performance or at a concert. Normally the band or artist needs to be well established to pull off this form of video however many bands with a low budget do this type of video.

Concept - Concept videos are based around a single idea or a concept. These ideas are normally obscure or very surreal with the lyrics having to be in correlation to the visuals created.

 Musics video can mix two types together in one video such as a performance video can include concept conventions or narrative conventions etc.

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