Wednesday 2 October 2013

Digipak Analysis: Gorlliaz - Demon Days

Gorlliaz are an alternative band that have released a wide range of songs that fall into many different genres such as rap and dance. The variety of colour used in the band members reinforces the wide areas of genres they delve in through their music. This makes the band not really stick to typical conventions.

This digipak suits the band because it shows all the band members on it and on the inside panels they are all pulling amusing faces which suits their style and the characters perfectly. The facial expressions each of the band memeber is pulling gives them all a form of character which is a key focus when trying to sell an album.

The design is also simple and clean which ties into the songs they created, the background on this digipak is a clean white, this helps the bands members stand out very strongly. The track listings are clean and easy to read which is a common convention in a digipak, the simplicity in the design of the digipak runs throughout through the black and white used which again is a convention seen in digipaks.

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